Engelsk konsthandlare och kartförläggare. Han gav bl.a. ut 'Atlas Britanniquee' (1766), 'English Atlas' (1787) samt en atlas med 41 kartor tryckta under åren 1757-94. Förutom kartorna känner man till en rad koppartryck som har hans namn och adress men däremot inga som han själv utfört.
Sayer hade sin affär på No. 53 Fleet Street i London.
Bland arbeten.
Atlas Britanniquee.
English Atlas.
The Seven United Provinces, with Their Roads and Divisions.
Phillips. - Thieme-Becker.
Grasset de Sainte-Sauveur, Jaques
Montreal 1757 - Paris 1810.
A late eighteenth and early nineteenth century French (Canadian) artist, writer and diplomat, Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur left Montreal in 1764 and began his studies with the Jesuits of Sainte-Barbe, in Paris. His first published book, Costumes civils de tous les peoples connus, dates from 1784. It deals with his lifelong passion of chronicling the peoples of other lands, particularly in remote areas. His other works include, Tableaux cosmographiques de l'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique (1787), L'Antique Rome (1795), Encyclopedie des voyages (1796), and Voyage picturesque dans les autres parties du monde (1806). Groenlandais (Native of Greenland) was engraved by Labrousse for the c. 1797 publication, Costumes de different pays. Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur both designed the engravings and wrote the text for all of these publications. Besides being an artist and writer Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur also led an active diplomatic career. He served as France's vice-consul in Hungary and elsewh...
Bland arbeten.
Costumes civils de tous les peoples connus (1784), Tableaux cosmographiques de l'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique et l'Amerique (1787), L'Antique Rome (1795), Encyclopedie des voyages (1796), Voyage picturesque dans les autres parties du monde (1806), Costumes de different pays (c. 1797).
Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de.
Bland arbeten.
Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire universel raisonné des connaissances humaines.
Karta öfver Stockholm. - 1904.
Konvalje, Convallaria majalis - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.