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Fought at the Battle of Svensksund in 1790. In 1793 oversaw the construction ofa new lighthouse at Falsterbo. 1805-11 shipyard commander in Malmö. Appointed the Navy's Major Mecanicus' in 1809. Was involved in the building of new docks in Malmö, Ystad and Helsingborg.

Sveriges sjökartor – A. Hedin.


1744-1829. Född i Stockholm d. 1 dec. 1744.
Landshöfding, konstnär. C. blef hofintendent 1765 och företog 1770-73 en längre utrikes resa. I Rom blef han vän med Sergel, studerade konst och inköpte en präktig samling gamla taflor. C. beklädde 1781-1812 landshöfdingsposten i Gefle. Död i Stockholm d. 19 april 1829. Ledamot af Målare- och bildhuggareakademien samt Musik. akademien. C. utförde rätt goda etsningar och porträttmedaljonger. Gift 1777 med friherrinnan Juliana Duvall, som i Gefle stiftade ordenssällskapet »Idka dygden».
Cronstedt som var son till kakelugnens fader, Carl Johan Cronstedt, förekommer med sitt namn på kartor och då som utgivare bl.a. i sin egenskap av landshövding.

Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon.


Baptized October 7, 1586 in Haarlem, died 1643.
Dutch cartographer and traveller to Moscow.
Isaac Abrahamszoon Massa was a Dutch grain trader, traveller and diplomat, the envoy to Muscovy, author of memoirs witnessing the Time of Troubles and the maps of Eastern Europe and Siberia. Massa's experience in and knowledge of Muscovy transformed him into a Dutch 'Kremlinologist.' The Isaac Massa Foundation in Groningen aims to stimulate scientific and cultural contacts between the Russian Federation and the Netherlands.
Isaac Massa was born in a wealthy silk merchant's family that relocated from Liege to Haarlem before his birth. His ancestors could have been Italian huguenots who fled their homeland in the beginning of the Reformation. The family surname was also known as Massart, Massaert.
In 1601 Isaac left Haarlem for Moscow to assist the family trade. Isaac has been witness to the second half of Boris Godunov's reign that evolved into a civil war now known as the Time of Troubles. He survived the capture of Moscow by False Dmitriy I and left Russi
Bland arbeten.
Plans of Moscow 1610, 1618;
N. Russia 1612 and
South Russia, used by Blaeu & Jansson.


Karta öfver Stockholm. - 1904.

Luktsporre, Gymnadenia odoratissima - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.

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Biografiska uppgifter:Hessel 1581-1632.
Gerritsz was apprenticed to W. J. Blaeu as an engraver before starting in business on his own account. He worked closely with Petrus Plancius and his merit may be judged by the fact that he was appointed Cartographer to the Dutch East India Company in preference to Blaeu and subsequently held the same position in a newly formed West India Company. With the new company he came into touch with Johannes de
Laet for whom he prepared a number of new maps of America in the latter's Nieuwe Wereldt published in 1625. His most important early work was a chart showing Henry Hudson's discoveries in his voyage of 1610-11: it is the first to give an outline of Hudson's Bay and indicates Hudson's belief that he had found a way to the North West Passage.

Engraver, cartographer, publisher and bookseller, b. Assum, apprenticed as engraver to Blaeu, Cartographer to Dutch E. India Co. 1617, fl. 1607; from 1612 using sign 'in de Paskaert' or 'sub signo Tabulae Nauticae'. Addresses: (1) opt Water bij die oude Brug [1609], (2) by die Lienbaens Brugh [1616], (3) Nieuwe Zijds Voorburgwal [1624], (4) Doelestraat [1627-32].
Engraved 17 Netherlands (1608?, lost)
Gulick Cleve 1610,
Spain 1612-(15),
Besch. van de Samoyeden Landt 1612,
Besch. van de Zeecusten van Ierlandt 1612,
engd. Blaeu's Lithuania 1613,
Russia 1613,
Italy 1617,
MS charts E. Indies, Pacific & c. 1617-22,
maps in Laet's Novus Orbis 1625,
Eendrachts' Land (W. Australia) 1627,
Rotario W. Indies & S. America 1628-32 MSS.


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