'Novus Planiglobii Terrestris' - Joan Blaeu, Gerard Valck 1695.
Novus Planiglobii Terrestris per Utrumque Polum Conspectus.
Prosat Amstelaedami Penes Gerardum Valck Calcographum in foro vulgo den Dam sub signo Canis Excubantis Cum Privilegio.
Copper engraved and handcoloured map with original colours.
The cartouche with the imprint bear marks of an earlier imprint by Blaeu, probably Joan Blaeu. Historians believe the plate to have been engraved in 1672, although some argue that the erased signature belongs to G. [Willem] Blaeu, deceased 1638.
The map was however never published by the Blaeu printing house, probably because of the devastating fire 1672 that destroyed much of the printing house and stock. The plate was later sold to Gerard Valck. After erasing the contents of the shield and the imprint in the cartouche, replacing it with his own name, Valck published the map as his own in 1695.
The map itself is composed of two hemispheres centred over the poles. The rest of the frame is filled with ornaments and pictorials. In the top left the sun surrounded with clouds, top center there is a armillary sphere / spherical astrolabe surrounded by stars, and in the top right corner the moon also surrounded with clouds.
Below the hemispheres in the right and left corner we find the garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. The right corner depicts Adam clothed in a sunny garden of Eden surrounded by animals. The left corner depicts Adam and Eve, naked in a deserted landscape under heavy rain, probably after they have been expelled from the garden of Eden. In between those two scenes we find the cartouche and a empty shield.
Size: ca 54x40 cm, width x height.
Repairs to the center fold. Mounted in non-acid passepartout.
The map shows California as an island; the only Blaeu map to depict this cartographic myth. In the Pacific, the coastline of Australia is beginning take shape. In South America, the mythical Parime Lacus is shown on the Equator, and the southern tip of the continent is oddly truncated due to the projection.
Pris: 50000 SEK - 39816 - Se bild.
Rare imprint of the last Blaeu world map.
Fjällgröe, Poa alpina - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Fjällgröe, Poa alpina
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40904 - Se bild.
71. von Sparre, Karl, friherre. - 1912.
71. von Sparre, Karl, friherre.
Miniatyrporträtt utfört i Berlin år 1912 i vackert akvarelltryck.
Oval. 4,2 x 8,3
Måttet anger bredden x höjden i cm = bildytan.
Pris: 400 SEK - 38338
Stillfrö, Sisymbrium sophia - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Stillfrö, Sisymbrium sophia
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40640 - Se bild.
Gravyr tryckt från originalplåten och handkolorerad.
Storlek: 38x48 cm, plåtytans bredd x höjd.
Pris på förfrågan. - 40437 - Se bild.
Snyltrot, Orobanche major - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Snyltrot, Orobanche major
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40577 - Se bild.
Kråkvicker, Vicia cracca - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Kråkvicker, Vicia cracca
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40769 - Se bild.
Höstfibla, Leontodon autumnalis - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Höstfibla, Leontodon autumnalis
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40488 - Se bild.
Terracotta Vases, Pl. XIII
Gravyr tryckt från originalplåten och handkolorerad.
Storlek: 30x38 cm, plåtytans bredd x höjd.
Pris på förfrågan. - 40430 - Se bild.
Nocka, Cineraria palustris - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Nocka, Cineraria palustris
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40477 - Se bild.
Gulddistriktet Klondike - ca 1897.
Åkervädd, Knautia arvensis - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Kämpegroblad, Plantago media - Lindman, C. A. M, Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1917-26.
Kämpegroblad, Plantago media
Bilder ur Nordens Flora.
Tredje upplagan 1917-1926.
VÖBAM har samtliga 663 planscher ur C. A. M. Lindmans 'Bilder ur Nordens Flora', 1917-1926.
Planschstorlek ca 15 x 20 cm.
Pris: 100 SEK - 40579 - Se bild.
Europa - Nordeuropa - -