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Se Longman & Co.


Ca. 1664-1721.
Holländsk bokhandlare, son till Hendrick Doncker (se denne).


Engelsk kartritare i början av 1800-talet. 1809 ritade han kartor för Pinkertons (se denne) atlas. 1831 medverkade han vid framtagandet av en atlas över Kanada.


Amiral Häggs flaggkarta. - Stockholm 1888.

Cronman - C. H. Tersmeden ca 1900.

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Pautre, Jean le

Biografiska uppgifter:28 juni 1618-2 februari 1682.
Jean le Pautre (June 28, 1618 – February 2, 1682) was a French designer and engraver. Le Pautre was an apprentice to a carpenter and builder. In addition to learning mechanical and constructive work, he developed considerable skill with the pencil. His designs, innumerable in quantity and exuberant in content, consisted mainly of ceilings, friezes, chimney-pieces, doorways and mural decorations. He also devised fire-dogs, sideboards, cabinets, console tables, mirrors and other pieces of furniture.

Jean Le Pautre, Sight of the Basin of Latone in the Gardens of Versailles, 1678
Le Pautre was long employed at the Gobelins manufactory. His work is often very flamboyant and elaborate. He frequently used amorini and swags, arabesques and cartouches in his work. His chimney-pieces, in contrast, were often simple and elegant. His engraved plates, nearly 1,500 in number, are almost entirely original and include a portrait of himself. He made many designs for Andre Charles Boulle.

He became a member of the academy of Paris in 1677.
Bland arbeten:
Karl X Gustafs historia.
- Se bild.

Tillbaka till början.